Selected Talks
- Zelda and the Art of Continuous Delivery
- Talk
- QueensJS
- May 2017
- The Hierarchy of Great Docs
- Talk
- ManhattanJS
- April 2017
- PIEfection: The History and Science of Pie
- Talk
- ManhattanJS
- January 2016
- Choosing an Open Source License Wisely
- Talk
- BrooklynJS #18
- April 2015
- Now you're thinking with Queues!
- Talk
- ManhattanJS
- April 2015
- SOA you want to be Service Oriented?
- Talk
- QueensJS #5
- January 2015
- Going Faster: Dozens of Deployments
- Invited Speaker
- FirstMark Tech Summit
- June 2013
- UX, IA, and Mozilla Support
- Talk
- WriteTheDocs
- April 2013
- How do I Feature Flag?
- Talk
- NY Continuous Delievery Meetup
- December 2012
- How we found our security best practices (and what they are)
- Talk
- DjangoCon 2012
- September 2012
- Brace Yourselves: Best Security Practices from the Ground Up
- Talk
- DjangoNYC
- July 2012
- Deployment at Mozilla
- Keynote
- Mozilla Web Development Summit
- May 2012
- Building Big Django Sites
- Inaugural, Invited Speaker
- Yipit Django Speaker Series, DjangoNYC
- December 2011
- Why Open Source is Awesome
- Invited Guest
- ADICU TechCulture, Columbia University
- December 2011
- Going Faster: Moving to Continuous Deployment
- Invited Speaker
- PyGotham
- September 2011
- Making online education accessible
- Talk & Workshop
- Annual Technology Conference, MSU College of Education
- April 2009
- Community 2.0: Building Affinity Groups on the Web
- Talk
- Annual Technology Conference, MSU College of Education
- September 2008
James is interested in speaking on the topics listed and others including engineering culture and web application security. For information about speaking inquiries, including past talks, please email.